Magellan Peninsula
The Magallanes peninsula, also called the Magallanes peninsula, is a land area of 38,900 hectares located in the department of Lago Argentino, in the southwest of the province of Santa Cruz, in the Patagonia of Argentina. It is limited to the north, west, and south, by Lake Argentino, belonging to the Santa Cruz river basin, with an Atlantic slope. Almost all of the peninsula is subdivided into private fractions.
Etymologically, this place-name was granted on February 5, 1879 by Lieutenant Juan Tomás Rogers, a Chilean sailor who had been commissioned by his Navy, following instructions from his executive, to explore the most favored sectors in the upper basin of the Santa Cruz River. human population, with the objective of founding in that region, in the coming years, an agricultural-pastoral colony under the Chilean flag, a fact that was thwarted as a result of the 1881 treaty between Argentina and Chile.
When baptizing the peninsula with the word Magallanes, he honored the name of the corvette to which it belonged, the: Magallanes gunboat, which was named for being built to serve the Strait of Magellan, which in turn is a eponym that honors sailor and military Fernando de Magallanes. The peninsula in its entirety lacks towns. The only places are the "Puerto Bahía Tranquila" and "Punta Bandera", in its northeast corner, and the "Moreno glacier area", in its southwest corner, with tourist facilities and a hotel.