The Beginnings:
2007- Agreement signed with CGLAR
2015- Training "Positioning destinations in the LGBT market. Success story"
2017- El Calafate received a contingent of the most important international journalists, influencers, bloggers and speakers from the gay segment. After developing in the city of Buenos Aires
10° International LGBT Business and Tourism Conference "GNetwork 360"
moved to the Tourist Village to celebrate the
10 years as a Gay Friendly destination.
2020 -Seal of Commitment to LGBTIQ Inclusion "Todxs Bienvenidxs", Argentine seal for providers of tourism services and public and private organizations committed to the inclusion of the LGBTIQ Community.
The award is part of the Federal Program on LGBTIQ Tourism articulated by the Argentine LGBT Chamber of Commerce (Ccglar) together with the National Institute of Tourism Promotion (Inprotur) and has the support of the Federal Network of LGBT Tourism+

2002: Civil Union Act - Buenos Aires was the first city in South America to establish a law that would grant a homosexual couple the same rights and social benefits as a heterosexual couple.
2010: Equal Marriage Act allowed same-sex marriage with equal marital rights as heterosexual marriages.
2012: Gender Identity Law stipulates that identity is a right and that registration changes and surgical and hormonal interventions must be carried out with the mere will of the person.
They were fundamental to continue promoting our destinations as friendly with the LGBTI traveler when the country had legislation that equaled the rights of those of us who make up this group.